mi bella threading a needle, her cooking is becoming more amazing, her smiles bigger, her heart warmer, aunty boona's school.
black lives matter join the movement kodi has more very young African American kids when given the real information and not the crap they are fed in history books the more enlightened they will be and more able to become compassionate police officers,judges, doctors senators congress people
that they will reject guns, violence and lift people out of poverty, I understand that when the black lives matter movement speaks my life is included coming to all cities so the homeless and tired folks can sleep
.......someday in the future on in the future some day we had an awesome time hanging with book one contributor boona cheema in berkeley - author jessica b. find out more...
I've turned into a bird don't worry they are not eagle feathers these are from these chubby ducks in south Lake Tahoe
I'm sure though that as a real non Columbus Indian I might get away with an eagle feather which was dropped literally on my head on the banks of the copper rive www.redzone.org ive never paid much attention to the republicans. this bunch is so scary that im reading and watching them closely.......re remembering that fascism has shown its ugly head. pay close attention and commit to stopping it from fully arriving.
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